Canadian Strippers vs Systemic Oppression

I got to sit down with Sachi and talk about what has happened since the initial interaction a few months ago. Here is what she said:

STC: What’s the current status of your employment? Have you found any clubs that will hire you?

SOK: Currently I I’m not stripping anymore because I have been blacklisted from Alberta and British Columbia ..  I was lucky enough to get a job at a Pole studio teaching there and at a cabaret as a burlesque performer once a week..

STC: How many of the clubs work with Independent Artists or are E2 clubs? Is it most clubs in CA and all clubs in Alberta?

SOK: A total of 17 clubs work with Independent Artists, three of which are E2 clubs...Indepent Artists currently has monopoly and provinces of Alberta BC and Manitoba and the territories

STC: What’s the deal with the housing? They have dancer housing for traveling dancers but everyone has to pay in?

SOK: The housing in some cities in Alberta are absolutely disgusting. Dirty sheets.. black mold.. no security... I have video footage of places the women have sent me.. DURING COVID these places were left filthy! And we have to pay for rent whether we stay or not!

STC: Have other dancers followed your lead and lost employment?

SOK: Lots of other dancers have followed my lead by quitting completely or just not working with any of the E2 clubs.

STC: Is there a petition people can sign?

SOK: YES. <———Click

STC: How can out of work or otherwise interested dancers contact you about music video or other dance gigs?

SOK: If Anyone’s interested in doing music videos or dance gigs just message me on Instagram @onyxsachi

STC: How can we support you? We want to see you win!

SOK: I’m not gonna ask for money just yet until I really need it .. not gonna lie I have been struggling financially.. we all are during these times.. but what I really need is everyone to just share the awareness of what’s happening in Alberta pretty much all over Canada.

Follow Onyx at @onyxsachi to find out more about how you can get involved!
